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Fat Dissolving is a cosmetic treatment that targets specific areas of the body where stubborn pockets of fat are difficult to eliminate through diet and exercise alone. Fat Dissolving treatments can help to sculpt and contour the body, resulting in a more toned and shapely appearance.

Fat Dissolving works by injecting a solution directly into the subcutaneous fat layer, which is the layer of fat just beneath the skin. The solution used in the injection contains specific chemicals that are designed to break down and dissolve fat cells. The dissolved fat cells are then processed by the body and eliminated naturally over time.

At DermaPharm Aesthetics, we carry out a thorough consultation before every procedure to understand your wishes and concerns. During the consultation, we will discuss your medical history to determine if the treatment is suitable for you. Prior to the procedure, the treatment area will be thoroughly cleaned to reduce the risk of infection.

The treatment is administered through a series of injections into the target area. The number of injections and sessions required will depend on the severity of the issue, and the treatment is typically performed in two to three sessions spaced six to eight weeks apart.

Swelling and redness may occur in the treated area for two to six weeks, but this is normal and typically subsides on its own. Other potential side effects include bruising, itching, and numbness in the treatment area. These side effects are temporary and usually disappear within a few days.

It’s important to keep in mind that Fat Dissolving treatments should not be viewed as a substitute for weight loss. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and a balanced diet is necessary for long-term weight management and overall health.

Aqualyx injections are a type of Fat Dissolving treatment that is minimally invasive and highly effective. This treatment can be used on both the face and body, targeting areas such as saddlebags, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, and smaller areas like unwanted fat around the chin. The number of injections and sessions required will vary depending on the severity of the issue.

DermaPharm Aesthetics; a pharmacist let aesthetics clinic is one clinic that provides above mentioned treatment in the UK, with locations in Stockton and Hartlepool. The Stockton location is situated at Alford Lane TS190QP, while our Hartlepool clinic can be found at Catcote Rd, Hartlepool TS25 2LS. Our pharmacist will guide you through the treatment process and customize a treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns. Choosing a well-established clinic like DermaPharm Aesthetics is a great way to ensure that you receive a safe and effective treatment.

Treatment time30 – 45 minutes
PainNone to minimal discomfort
ResultsIn 2 – 4 weeks
Results durationPermanent
Price£60 – £90