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As we age, our skin goes through a multitude of changes, some of which we would rather not experience. One of the most common changes that people see on their skin as they age are fine lines and wrinkles. One area where these lines can become quite pronounced is around the eyes, in a condition called “crow’s feet.” Thankfully, there are treatments available to help reduce the appearance of crow’s feet. Let’s explore what crow’s feet treatment is, how it works, how the treatment is administered, and what potential side effects you should be aware of.

As we age, our skin goes through a variety of changes, including the development of fine lines and wrinkles. One area where these changes can be particularly pronounced is around the eyes, resulting in a condition known as “crow’s feet.” Fortunately, there are several treatments available to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet and rejuvenate the skin around the eyes.

Crow’s feet are the wrinkles that form at the corners of the eyes, often as a result of repeated facial expressions and the natural ageing process. They are also known as “laughter lines” or “smile lines.”

Crow’s feet are primarily caused by the repeated contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle around the eyes, which occurs when we smile, squint, or frown. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and becomes thinner, which can also contribute to the development of crow’s feet.

Crow’s feet treatment is typically recommended for individuals who are bothered by the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Generally, individuals who are in good health and have realistic expectations for the results of the treatment are good candidates for crow’s feet treatment.

While there are no strict age restrictions for crow’s feet treatment, it is generally recommended for individuals who are over the age of 18. Treatment may be less effective for individuals with very thin or very thick skin, or for those with certain medical conditions.

Other factors that may affect a person’s eligibility for crow’s feet treatment include the presence of active infections, skin irritations, or allergies to any of the ingredients used in the treatment.

There are several different types of crow’s feet treatment available, including Botox injections, dermal fillers and chemical peels. Each treatment works in a slightly different way to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet.

Botox injections are a popular treatment for crow’s feet that work by temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause the wrinkles to form. The injections are typically administered by a trained medical professional and can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Botox works by blocking the signals that cause the orbicularis oculi muscle to contract, which helps to smooth out the wrinkles around the eyes. The results of the treatment typically last for several months.

During the Botox injection procedure, the treatment area will be cleansed and a topical anaesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort. The Botox will then be injected directly into the targeted muscles using a very fine needle.

Common side effects of Botox injections include redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection site. In rare cases, more serious side effects such as infection or muscle weakness may occur.

Dermal fillers are another popular treatment for crow’s feet that work by filling in the lines and wrinkles around the eyes with a gel-like substance. This helps to plump up the skin and smooth out the wrinkles.

Dermal fillers are made up of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps to keep the skin hydrated and plump. When injected into the skin around the eyes, the filler adds volume and helps to smooth out the wrinkles.

The dermal filler injection procedure typically takes about 30 minutes and involves the use of a very fine needle to inject the filler directly into the targeted areas around the eyes. A topical anaesthetic may be applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

Common side effects of dermal fillers include redness, swelling, and bruising at the injection site. In rare cases, more serious side effects such as infection or allergic reactions may occur.

Chemical peels are a non-invasive treatment for crow’s feet that use a chemical solution to remove the outer layer of skin and stimulate the growth of new, healthy skin cells.

During a chemical peel, a chemical solution is applied to the skin around the eyes, which helps to remove the outer layer of the skin and stimulate the growth of new, healthy skin cells. This helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improve the overall texture and tone of the skin.

Chemical peels are typically performed in a medical office or clinic and involve the application of a chemical solution to the skin around the eyes. The treatment typically takes about 30 minutes to complete.

Common side effects of chemical peels include redness, peeling, and sensitivity of the skin. In rare cases, more serious side effects such as infection or scarring may occur.

DermaPharm Aesthetics; a pharmacist let aesthetics clinic is one clinic that provides above mentioned treatment in the UK, with locations in Stockton and Hartlepool. The Stockton location is situated at Alford Lane TS190QP, while our Hartlepool clinic can be found at Catcote Rd, Hartlepool TS25 2LS. Our pharmacist will guide you through the treatment process and customize a treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns. Choosing a well-established clinic like DermaPharm Aesthetics is a great way to ensure that you receive a safe and effective treatment.

Crow’s feet treatment is a safe and effective way to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Whether you choose Botox injections, dermal fillers or chemical peels, it’s important to work with a trained medical professional to ensure that the treatment is administered safely and effectively. While there may be some minor side effects associated with these treatments, they are generally well-tolerated and can provide significant improvement in the appearance of crow’s feet. If you are interested in crow’s feet treatment, schedule a consultation with our Pharmacist to determine if the procedure is right for you.

Treatment time15 – 30 minutes
PainNone to minimal discomfort
ResultsIn 4 – 14 days
Results durationApprox 4 – 6 months